
ModifiedtorunsidebysidewiththecurrentDefaultUI.·FixedtheinfamousseekbarrepaintbugonWindowsthemesotherthanclassic.·Replacedpopupvolume ...,Wanttodiscoverartrelatedtofoobar2000?Checkoutamazingfoobar2000artworkonDeviantArt.Getinspiredbyourcommunityoftalentedartists.,SkinsforFoobar2000areavarietyoforiginalcoversforyouraudioplayerthatallowsyoutolistentoyourfavoritedownloadedmusictracksonyourcompute...

Components Repository

Modified to run side by side with the current Default UI. · Fixed the infamous seekbar repaint bug on Windows themes other than classic. · Replaced popup volume ...

Explore the Best Foobar2000 Art

Want to discover art related to foobar2000? Check out amazing foobar2000 artwork on DeviantArt. Get inspired by our community of talented artists.

Foobar2000 Skins (over 60)

Skins for Foobar2000 are a variety of original covers for your audio player that allows you to listen to your favorite downloaded music tracks on your computer.


A foobar200 UI Spider Monkey Panel which displays current artist's country on the world map and lets you generate autoplaylists based on selection and ...


Eole Foobar theme. This is a skin for the foobar2000 audio player. This theme requires Foobar2000 32bit, version 1.4 or newer. Follow the instructions below ...


2023年11月28日 — 原本的foobar太舊了不支援比較新的插件,X4change也已經沒再更新了用的不太爽,想說砍掉重來更新了foobar版本順便找新SKIN,發現這篇文覺得很棒就來試 ...

What's the best Skin for Foobar2000?

2022年3月27日 — I've been using NekoRoX Foobar2000 Theme. It looks amazing and fits everything I need.

心得foobar2000 美化SKIN簡單心得

2023年1月20日 — 原本的foobar太舊了不支援比較新的插件,X4change也已經沒再更新了用的不太爽,想說砍掉重來更新了foobar版本順便找新SKIN,發現這篇文覺得很棒就來試試。

foobar2000 2.24.3 品牌老、口碑佳的音樂播放器

foobar2000 2.24.3 品牌老、口碑佳的音樂播放器


1by1 1.93 短小精悍的MP3播放軟體

1by1 1.93 短小精悍的MP3播放軟體


MetroSidebar 1.0.7 實用的Metro風格側欄工具列

MetroSidebar 1.0.7 實用的Metro風格側欄工具列
